And for all i know you may have changed them a bit.Ģ) You said you fixed the lag in the level, what was causing the lag anyway? Incorrect code? Wrongly used functions? Just so you know I'm only repeating flash phrases you have said as I can't do it for the life of me.ģ) This is more of a non gameplay question but will I (and the others who continuiosly give ideas) be mentioned in the credits. Just so you know i'm starting to have a bit of trouble finding decent night time ice music, it's probably becaus3e I suggest so many and you reject most, but I'll keep trying until i run out.and I haven't run out yet.ġ) Have you started work on drawing pipelets, if possible when you're done could you PM me a picture of them as I did think them up. Hooray! World 2 is complete, does that include the boss? I recall you mentioning that it would be a sort of salad monster like in scoop.ģ) n/106358 (also good for day time plains)